This time of year we are all craving a reset. Even if we didn’t go overboard during the holidays, there was certainly more sugar and alcohol and much less sleep, water and movement. This can make us feel exhausted, a little out of control and honestly just puffy and gross.
Oftentimes this leads to the desire to shut it down, tighten up, get back on track or whatever phrase we use to essentially take an axe to the bad. We cut carbs, cut sugar, cut fat, etc.
And guess what, we feel better!
So we conclude that the “X” that we cut out really did cause all the problems and it can’t be trusted, or rather we can be trusted around it.
But in actuality, the real health benefits come not from what you subtracted but what you added in it’s place.
Here’s some examples:
We used to think: SUBTRACTING meat/eggs/dairy lowered your cholesterol.
Now we know: It was the ADDITION of fiber in beans, legumes and whole grains that helped transport the cholesterol out of our bodies.
We used to think: SUBTRACTING carbs was the key to weight loss.
Now we know: It is the ADDITION of protein (especially in women) that helped stabilize blood sugar, increase muscle mass and burn body fat.
Why is this important?
When we understand what is really moving the needle when it comes to energy, weight, health we can put our energy in the right place. This allows flexibility, sustainability and long term success.
Less white knuckling and more of a partnership with you, your body and food.
What do you do with this information?
If you have already started the year by cutting something out and it feels good, keep going! As you move forward, be curious if it might not be what you took out, but rather what you put in it’s place.
Sometimes that’s not a food, but a way of relating to it. For example, maybe it ADDED a system (meal delivery, cleanses, etc.) to cut down on the mental load or ADDED commitment and community (WW, gym challenges, etc.).
If doing something restrictive doesn’t feel right to you and you are motivated to make some changes, consider ADDING in healthy foods or habits rather than focusing on taking them away. For example:
- ADD in 2-3L of water per day
- ADD in vegetables at two of your meals
- ADD in 1 deep breath prior to eating
- ADD in protein at your meals and snacks