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STOP WORRYING & Eat with Confidence


Proven nutrition & behavioral solutions to improve health, tackle emotional eating, social situations and those darn other words, nutrition that works in real life.

If you have ever made changes to your diet, you already know how life changing good nutrition can be. 

It can make you feel energized and empowered.

You are your best when you are eating well and it shows physically, mentally and emotionally. 

You also know that true success comes from consistency of action.  Meaning sticking with it not over days or weeks but finding a solution that becomes a part of your life. 

There is no one size fits all solution so finding YOUR best solution that fits YOUR best life is key.



The physical benefits of good nutrition are substantial, but when you change your behaviors and quiet that mental chatter, then you can: 


    Once you have found the best way to eat for your body, cravings virtually disappear...and when they do pop up they are manageable, not all consuming.

    Cutting through the nutrition noise and discovering what works for you will quiet all of that overwhelming chatter. Then deciding what to eat for dinner is simple rather than a ping-pong match of different food rules and fears.


    The key to results is consistency of action. Period. When you have a behavioral tool box you will keep moving forward with confidence...even when things aren't perfect.


    Eating is wonderful and pleasurable and can enhance some of life’s best moments. Allowing these moments rather than worrying allows food to be a delicious enhancer rather than the main event.

Even though the reasons to improve your nutrition are clear, the path to doing it successfully is anything but.

I wonder if you can relate...

You’ve decided to work on your nutrition.  You are putting effort into it, you know you feel better, you are proud of yourself, it’s work but it all seems very worth it.  Plus, you are starting to see results!  You finally got this nutrition thing nailed!

Then you are around one of those foods that make you feel out of control, or things didn’t go your way and you couldn’t follow your exact plan, or you had a terrible day and found yourself emotionally eating. and now all your hard work is down the drain.

You have no idea why you did it.  You know that it conflicts with your longer-term goals.  You promised yourself you wouldn’t and (if you’re being 100% honest) it wasn’t nearly as good as you thought it would be.

Why is this so hard for you and seems so easy for everyone else?

Here is where most people quit.

They fall victim to the paralyzing shame of not being able to follow through.  The exhaustion of having to think about this all the time and not be able to live their life.

Or they decide to double down.

If they can’t be trusted with moderation, they have to be stricter.  They will cut out all carbs or try a cleanse or not go out to eat any more.  They just can’t handle it.

And this feels good for a little bit.  Until they are around one of those foods…couldn’t follow the exact plan…had one of those days…

Why this is truly heartbreaking.

We are quick to blame ourselves. Say we feel that we are broken or lack willpower or are addicted in some way.  Not once do we think:

            Is it possible that it just wasn’t the right solution for me?

We are also so wrapped up in shame that we miss a golden opportunity.

Let me tell you that in each slip-up, each failed attempt and each emotional set-back there is a GOLDMINE of great information!  Clues as to what your unique body’s nutritional needs and the behaviors you need to stay consistent. 

About Tara

Hi, I'm Tara.

I am a clinical nutritionist who has spent the last 15 years working with thousands of people just like you. Smart, amazing, successful people who feel stuck and ashamed because they can't figure this one thing out.  

During that time, I have the great honor of being featured on NBC, CBS, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Forbes and more...  As cool as that can feel, the thing that gets me up in the morning is getting notes from past students that they are finally happy and confident in the choices...and for the first time they are sticking with it. 

I can't wait to get that note from you!

The 4 Reasons Why Diets Don't Last

(Hint: none of them are willpower)


They Work Against Your Body

Most diets are based on the idea that you need to trick or work against your body.  This puts your body in a state of stress releasing adrenaline, one of our most powerful hormones. Adrenalin's job is to force you to go out and get sugar, either in the form of sweets, carbs or alcohol. 

So if this has ever happened to you, congratulations, your body is working! 

Once you understand WHY this is happening you can learn to prevent it. 


They Focus on the Symptom Not the Root Cause

Here's the thing, weight and health are not the problem.  They are symptoms of behaviors.  If you only attack the symptom, you might get short term relief, but it doesn't solve the problem.  The real solution is to dig down to the root cause so you don't have to cycle through this time and time again.


They Don't Work In the Real World

Good nutrition is not a destination. It is not a magical place where chocolate is gross and you only want to eat kale and do Pilates (and if it was, I'm not sure I would want to live there!). 

Nutrition is a management issue. It is a set of skills that you can pull from in different situations and different times of life. 

This ensures that you can stay consistent both on January 1st when you are motivated and March 15th when your kids have the flu, you are late to work and nothing is easy.  


They Miss the Details

I wish nutrition was only food.  Calories in vs. calories out. Just eat less, blah, blah, blah.  But I have a feeling that you know this isn't true. 

When people feel like they are doing everything right and not seeing results it is often found in the details.  Things like sleep, hydration and digestion.  

Learning how these factors impact your overall heath (as well as how you can improve them) can keep you from spinning your wheels trying the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.

THIS is what I really want you to understand.

If you want to see change you have to make a change.  That much is true. 

But the real solution isn’t hacking the system, overloading you with information and isolating you from your life. 

It is getting rid of the noise, so you know what is important and relevant to you and how to do it in your everyday (and sometimes hectic) life. 

It is finding consistency of action so you can stop thinking about this all the time and start living life. 

It’s not letting go of your goals, but rather changing your solution. 


A 6 Week Solution to Simplify What to Eat and Confidently Stick With It

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from the past 15 years (where I have worked with thousands of people just like you) and channeled it into a step-by-step program that not only simplifies what you should be eating but outlines the behavioral strategies that ensures you will stay on track.

The Hunger Solution Isn’t Only A Nutrition Course, It Is a Behavioral Solution

Yes, you will learn exactly what you should be eating from a nutritional standpoint, but also the real life strategies to handle emotional eating and set-backs.

The end result: An understanding of your unique body and the mindset to stay consistent. The confidence that you are on the right track so you can stop worrying about food and live your life.


Course Details

Here's how I'll help you get there:

Week 1


We start out by learning why some of the common (well intentioned) themes in the diet and nutrition industry have been keeping you stuck.  You will understand what is happening in your body when you eat and leave understanding the root cause of some of your most confusing behaviors. 


  • Learn the simple and eye-opening truth behind where your cravings come from and what they are telling you.
  • Understand why you feel so out of control around carbohydrates and how to prevent that (without saying goodbye to your favorite food).
  • Implement the game-changing nutrition strategy to cut down on cravings and stop being so hungry all the time.
Week 2


With an understanding of your body and how food impacts your cravings and hunger, it is now time to learn the importance of being proactive rather than reactive. 


  • Learn my modern meal planning definition and how you can easily fit this into your everyday life.
  • Understand the correct starting portions to meet your health goals.
  • Implement the proactive and preventative strategy to stop desperate eating and free up your time and energy.
Week 3


With a clear understanding of your food, it is time to build on the other factors that can impact your weight and health.  We will dig into hydration, vitamins and minerals and specifically how these things impact sleep, digestion and energy levels.

When you feel like you are eating all the right things, but not seeing results, it is often because one of the powerful nutrients are missing.


  • Learn how sleep, hydration and poor digestion can be sneaky factors when it comes to your weight and health.
  • Understand how poor gut health can actually cause you to absorb more calories and negatively impact your health.
  • Implement a simple program to increase these key nutrients resulting in better sleep, better digestion and more energy.
Week 4


Now that you have implemented the most important external strategies, it is time to turn inward and begin to understand your hunger signals.


  • Learn the subtle difference between different levels of hunger and where to be based on your health goals.
  • Understand when to start and when to stop eating.
  • Implement my 15-minute factor which allows you to either pass or enjoy foods that you used to feel out of control around.
Week 5


We know that food isn’t just fuel.  It is something we use to celebrate and something we use to soothe.  Here we really dig into emotional eating.


  • Learn when emotions are and when they aren’t helpful.
  • Understand the hidden clues and surprising benefits of emotional eating.
  • Implement my 3 step process to identify and diffuse emotional eating before it happens.
Week 6


I wish with all my heart that after 5 weeks you would never have an off day again.  I really do.  But this program is a real life solution and that encompasses the great days and the days that don’t go as planned.


  • Learn the very predictable nature of a setback and how to spot the warning signs and catch yourself before you fall.
  • Understand the importance of keystone behaviors and how they will dramatically cut down on those “off” days/weeks/months.
  • Implement the thought process to understand the powerful benefit of a set-back and when handled correctly, how it can be your most powerful tool.

You Don't Have to Do This Alone

In addition to access to all the course content in the private membership area, I have added these powerful BONUSES to support you every step of the way:

Here is My Promise to You

Once you learn how to eat for your unique body and put all that diet chatter to rest, you and your life can open up in a way that you didn’t even imagine.  I know this because I see it each and every day when my students apply the tools and strategies found in the Hunger Solution.

Within the first 14 days you will have been introduced to the private membership area and gained access to the first two modules.

Meaning you will have a clear understanding of where your debilitating cravings have some from and how to prevent them, as well as the simple strategy to cut out that mental “what should I eat” ping-pong match at every meal.

If you don’t feel motivated, confident and hopeful that you are on the right path, simply reach out to me directly ([email protected]) within 14 days, show me that you have put in the work and I will give you a 100% refund of your investment.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The FULL Hunger Solution Course - $997 Value

  • Weekly Live Q&A's with Tara - $810 Value
  • Private Facebook Community - $499 Value
  • Lifetime Access - $997 Value

Total Value: $3,303

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $3,303

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Most Flexible

4 Monthly Payments:




Best Value

1 Single Payment:



Hear From Past Students...


"Ths program has been a godsend for me. The meal planning has been terrific. I haven't found myself ravenous once this week, and when I found myself faced with an unplanned event, I had bars in my purse for just such an emergency! My normal pattern is to eat a breakfast that keeps me satisfied for the whole morning, then forget about lunch, and then my afternoon "snack" is to find as much candy as I can. Crashing when I get home, I shove chips and a string cheese (probably the only healthy thing I've eaten since breakfast) in my mouth while making a healthy dinner. By the time dinner is done, I've filled myself up with junk. I BROKE THIS PATTERN." 



"It might seem crazy, but I really feel like, since starting your program, a weight has been lifted off of me--I'm no longer scared of certain foods and eating has become much more pleasurable. I've felt more energetic and happy every single day of the last 2 weeks, and I haven't ever felt "famished" or "stuffed" in that period of time. A funny story--I haven't eaten peanut butter basically at all in the past couple of years, simply because I was scared of the calorie content. Every time I would think about it, I'd read the label and think, "200 calories for not thaaat much protein? no way." It feels silly now that I'm so excited to eat peanut butter on my toast in the morning, but it feels like a small victory to me."



Wowwww! I’m very excited...Everything makes a lot of sense, I felt that you were talking directly to me!



I have to say I’m loving Module 1!!! Tara, when you said that sometimes we can hear something 10 times before it can finally click for us. Well that happened for me with how you explained the science behind carbs and the “carb + protein” tips. Loved it! And the recipes are awesome. It even helped me yesterday be more mindful of better choices when I wanted to snack at home (due to boredom). Just had to share!



"One thing that’s been great this week for me is the freedom I feel. Freedom to have a quick snack when it’s close to a mealtime so I’m not “starving” and overeat (a classic move I do often). And the freedom that nothing is off limits, that I don’t have to cut any food group out - it’s helped me with portion control. Food can often times make me feel trapped and powerless. This first week gives me hope that it doesn’t have to be like that. And that module was super interesting and informative!"


“I just have to say how thankful I am for everything I have learned from you! As we are well into January I can’t tell you how many people are on keto, whole 30, no carbs, blah blah blah.

This is the first time I have ever been as confident and happy in my choices.... I am eating those noodles, that cookie, and I am even trying that homemade dessert and if I don’t like it I won’t eat it all! I am obviously still eating food that makes me feel good but I am not depriving myself and it’s working! I am happy, fulfilled and it works!

Thank you for providing me with the tools to have a happy, healthy, SUSTAINABLE relationship with food! It’s always going to be a work in progress, but I am okay with that. I am just ecstatic that when everyone around me is trying to restrict, I am happy and confident in my choices to enjoy!

You have literally changed my life! So thank you!”


Frequently Asked Questions

What my most successful students asked before joining the Hunger Solution

I get it! And I know you have already spent so many hours, days, years to working on your nutrition!  Each module has been carefully crafted to make sure you get the MOST impact with the MINIMUM amount of time.  Each module is about 30 minutes total. 

The Hunger Solution is a self paced program, meaning you can take as much time as you need to complete each module. As a community we will be going through it together over the course of 6 weeks but you have lifetime access to the modules and support material.

I know this isn't your first rodeo.  I am confident that you will find a solution that is unique and empowering.  However, if you don't feel confident that you are on the right track, simply show me that you have done the work within the first 14 days and I will gladly give you a full refund.  All  the material that we have covered up to that point is yours to keep.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The FULL Hunger Solution Course - $997 Value

  • Weekly Live Q&A's with Tara - $810 Value
  • Private Facebook Community - $499 Value
  • Lifetime Access - $997 Value

Total Value: $3,303

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $3,303

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Most Flexible

4 Monthly Payments:




Best Value

1 Single Payment:



The Hunger Solution is PERFECT for you if…

  1. Are tired of starting things, only to fall off track.
  2. Feel victim to cravings, social situations and will power.
  3. Have already found some success but are afraid that if you loosen the grip even a little, you will slide back to where you started. 
  4. Wonder why this seems so easy for everyone else and there must be something you are missing.
  5. Are sick of thinking about this all the time and want to find a solution that works, but let's you live our life!

If you said “yes” to any of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside The Hunger Solution

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The FULL Hunger Solution Course - $997 Value

  • Weekly Live Q&A's with Tara - $810 Value
  • Private Facebook Community - $499 Value
  • Lifetime Access - $997 Value

Total Value: $3,303

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $3,303

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Most Flexible

4 Monthly Payments:




Best Value

1 Single Payment:



50% Complete

Two Step

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